Course program
Course program
Become a skilled marketer. Speakers include Seth Godin, Philip Kotler and experts from Facebook, Samsung, Lego, and other companies.
Master in Marketing Course
Worldwide educational program
Seth Godin
Seth is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 20 best-selling books.
The World's Largest Marketing Course
Join 25,000 of the world’s brightest minds in business and marketing, discover and learn new methods of staying online. The all-in-one marketing course will put you on top with the leading marketers and brands.
teachers from international companies and well-known brands.
countries are linked to our program.
25 000
students from all over the world have already joined the program.
Greetings from Seth Godin
Seth is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 20 best-selling books
Marisha Lakhiani
Dave Morrissey
New York
Lars Silberbauer
1000 HEADS
Rupert Fleming
San Francisco
Eric Oldrin
San Diego
Facebook EXPERT
New York
Seth Godin
Meet your
New York
Our teachers are well-known experts from international companies, and their lessons bridge valuable insights and real life cases.
Kristen Mirek
from the World's
Get a new qualification as a global marketer
Marketing is always changing: new tools, strategies and mechanics appear every day. Stay on top of effective trends with the 6 disciplines of the program, and learn from the marketing executives of Facebook, Samsung, Lego and other famous companies.
Digital tools
SMM Trends
Building a strong brand
Marketing analytics
Technologies and trends
Explore Modules
6 marketing skills — 12 modules — 12 months of studying.

The course takes place on Saturdays in the worldwide live-broadcast. All lectures and Q&A sessions are held online. If you miss a lesson, you can view its recording in your personal account.
12:30 - 14:00 (UTC -4)
New York, USA
16:30 - 18:00 (UTC +0)
London, UK
20:30 - 22:00 (UTC +4)
Dubai, UAE
00:30 - 02:00 (UTC +8)
exclusive lectures for NEXT MBA
Seth Godin is a renowned American author, entrepreneur, and marketing guru, author of best-sellers "Permission Marketing" and "Purple Cow".

Seth is also an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the
most popular blogs in the world, he has written 20 best-selling books.

Seth Godin will give exclusive lectures for NEXT University Students.
Seth Godin
In the lecture on the future of marketing, the author of the book "Marketing 5.0", the famous promoter of “4 Ps Marketing” Philip Kotler explains how marketers can use new marketing strategies to meet customer needs and change the world.
Philip Kotler
Philip Kotler is known around the world as the “father of modern marketing.” For over 50 years he has taught at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Kotler’s book Marketing Management is the most widely used textbook in marketing around the world.
Martin Lindstrom will show and discuss how Small Data has been instrumental in the turnaround success of numerous companies around the world, in shipping, banking, retail, fashion, and food and beverage.
Martin Lindstrom
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, the world’s leading brand & culture transformation group, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries. TIME Magazine has named Lindstrom one of the “World’s 100 Most Influential People”
Adebola, a tech enthusiast with a law background, excels in Marketing, Web Development, PR, and Tech Consultancy. She founded a Digital Communications firm in 2009 and has significantly impacted multinational corporations. Now at HubSpot and leading Women in AI Ireland. A mentor to 60+, Adebola holds a Law degree, an MSC in Marketing, and has earned accolades including KMPG's Outstanding Young Person of the Year and a spot among the top 25 Leading Africans in PR.
What you will learn from the module:
Let's dive into how AI is transforming content marketing, from personalized content creation to data-driven strategies and automation. We'll explore cutting-edge tools, AI's role in content optimization, and its impact on consumer engagement. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage AI in your content marketing efforts, enabling you to craft highly effective, targeted campaigns that connect with audiences and elevate your brand in a crowded digital landscape.
AI & the Future of Content Marketing
Adebola Olomo
Artificial Intelligence - What it is, what works, what doesn’t, and what’s next
Alan will make an overview of Artificial Intelligence today and tomorrow; what’s working, what is not, what’s next?
Alan Patrick
Alan has been using mathematical modelling techniques from university days onwards. He has BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Engineering, a discipline that uses statistics, operations research, data analysis and systems modelling heavily (These are fundamental building blocks for AI). Over his career he has been management consultant at McKinsey&Co, a Vice President at British Telecom’s Internet division, a crash survivor, and an entrepreneur.
Ambreena is an experienced digital advertising leader with 15 years shaping global brand strategies. Currently spearheading Digital and Media planning at Zurich Insurance. Notable roles at adidas Originals, pioneering luxury collaborations and Metaverse entry, and LEGO, driving award-winning digital products and YouTube dominance. Agency background includes strategic content creation for major brands like Tesco, Pepsi, Unilever, and Virgin.
What you will learn from the module:
Let's explore the journey of brands entering the metaverse, focusing on how digital realms offer unique opportunities for engagement, branding, and new marketplaces. We'll delve into strategies for establishing brand presence, creating immersive experiences, and harnessing the potential of virtual goods and spaces. By the conclusion, you'll understand how to navigate and leverage the metaverse to innovate your brand's interaction with consumers, opening up avenues for unprecedented growth and connection in this rapidly evolving digital frontier.
Taking Adidas into the Metaverse
Ambreena Budaly
Will Scougal is a dynamic innovator with a career defined by shaping the digital frontier. He was a Head of Brand Strategy at Twitter UK and later moving to Snap Inc. Will"s instrumental role in revolutionizing Snap"s creative strategy speaks volumes about his visionary prowess. Today, his legacy inspires the fusion of technology and creativity across industries.
What you will learn from the module:
Embark on a journey into the dynamic world of social media marketing, where engagement reigns supreme. With the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, understanding how to captivate the most engaged audiences on social media is essential. Will Scougal, an expert in this field, will be your guide through the strategies and insights that enable marketers to connect with their audience on a deeper level.
Will Scougal
Social Media Expert/Consultant at Nick Guillory Marketing. Boasting 15 years of experience, Nick had the privilege of working with some of the most well-known brands worldwide: Disney, MTV, Shutterstock. Also Nick launched Tasty and brought in over 250 million followers across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest
What you will learn from the module:
Let's examine the pivotal role video has played in revolutionizing social media and enhancing digital strategies. We'll delve into the evolution of video content, its impact on user engagement, and strategies for effectively integrating video into your social media plans. By exploring successful case studies and the latest trends, you'll gain the skills to create compelling video content that resonates with your audience, amplifies your digital presence, and drives your brand's message home in the visually driven world of today's social media landscape.
Using Video to Better Present Your Digital Strategy
Nick Guillory
Rishi Mohan, Head of Marketing at Nuverse, ByteDance's gaming publisher, is renowned for his mind-blowing brand activations. With a career spanning finance, technology, and gaming, he has held key roles at top companies like Riot Games and 505 Games. Rishi's strategic vision has fueled the growth of global brands, and he"s played a pivotal role in shaping Riot Games' brand identity. He's an expert in his field, holding an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management and frequently teaching seminars at colleges nationwide.
What you will learn from the module:
Learn how to navigate the changing dynamics of marketing, harness emerging trends, and achieve impactful results in an era of constant transformation. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from a marketing powerhouse and elevate your campaign strategies for today"s dynamic world.
How to do Large Campaigns in the Changing World
Rishi Mohan
Lars Silberbauer is known for his significant contributions as Global Head of Brand at the International Olympic Committee, Senior VP at Viacom, and CMO for Nokia. He's acclaimed as a top speaker, notably at Cannes Lions 2017. Starting his digital odyssey in 2008 with the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, he escalated to Senior Global Director of Digital at LEGO. Celebrated as a Top 25 Marketing Innovator in EMEA by Holmes Report in 2015, Lars's strategies profoundly influence the global market.
What you will learn from the module:
This session will unveil the secrets behind building a winning social media presence, from engaging content creation to fostering vibrant online communities. Discover the innovative tactics and strategic planning that can catapult a brand to the forefront of digital engagement, driving brand loyalty and customer interaction to unprecedented levels. Whether you're looking to revitalize your company's social media strategy or curious about the dynamics of digital success, this lecture offers valuable lessons on achieving excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing.
How Lego Became World Champions of Social Media
Lars Silberbauer
The Metaverse. What is it and where to find it?
The Metaverse, Web 3.0, the Spatial internet. Is it all just hype? And if not what form will the next phase of the internet take. We are slowly moving from the mobile internet into the next phase of communication and online behaviour. With new forms of digital behaviour, we see shifts and opportunities in business arise, that most companies already now should be investigating.
Rasmus Høgdall
Rasmus has worked in the tech and creative industry for more than 20 years. His last role was a Creative Lead for Meta in Denmark and Norway. He was Nordic lead on the Metaverse and has spoken, guided and helped business and cultural institutions across the globe finding their legs in web 3.0.
Search Marketing is one of the most effective channels to gain traffic and visibility from search engines, but for many leaders is a discipline difficult to grasp. During this session we will discuss the state of the industry and how it is being disrupted by IA and what CMOs need to know about this marketing channel. We will learn how search engines can help you to reach your target audiences and how to manage your teams to get the most of your search marketing campaigns.
Luis Navarrete Gomez
Luis is Global Head of Digital Marketing, Sr. Director at Liberty Latin America, one of the biggest Telecom groups in the Latam region and leads digital marketing activity and Former Global Director of LEGO. In his time in the company, Luis has shaped the digital marketing experiences in an organization that reaches both B2B and B2C customers in more than 40 markets.
in the era of chaos
How to communicate to managers, how to communicate with clients in an era of instability and unpredictability — we will learn on the module.
Jody Sunna
VP, Corporate Communications at Philip Morris International

Jody Sunna joined Philip Morris International (PMI) in 2018 after nearly a decade at Havas PR North America. A never smoker, she joined PMI for the unique opportunity to drive change—helping the company achieve its delivery of a smoke-free future. With 20 years of experience guiding and shaping brands and supporting their corporate, cause, and crisis work, Sunna mixes a passion for social change with a marketer’s wisdom to ensure results. Sunna is a graduate of Purdue University and currently lives in Lausanne, Switzerland.
We will learn new ways to work with content, make a product recognizable and noteworthy in social networks, create popular content, and build a powerful personal brand.
Ali May
Founder & Creative Director at «Mayhart». Journalist, writer and producer. He worked as the Iran Reporter for Bloomberg News and UK Correspondent for euronews.
Kristin and other speakers will explain how to promote traditional media through non-traditional methods. What's next for traditional and non-traditional forms of marketing?
Kristin Mirek
Former Senior Vice President at Nickelodeon, Digital Marketing Consultant
Disruptive Marketing: New trends
Let's dive into the promotion of social networks: we will develop individual SMM strategies, increase brand reputation and create a thriving community on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other social networks.
Lars Silberbauer
Lars transformed LEGO from a brand with zero social media network into one of the most influential digital leaders in the world. Mr. Silberbauer is currently working as Global Head of Brand, Marketing, and Digital at the Olympics (IOC).
Launching Next Generation Services
A good leader is someone who inspires a positive work environment and encourages teamwork by creating an exciting vision for employees, who innovates and embraces change, and who takes risks and thinks long-term. Learn how to launch Next Generation Services.
Brendan Yam
Former Senior Vice-President and General Manager, Paramount/ViacomCBS International Digital Studios
Learn how to grow your business from the ground up by successfully implementing digital strategies. Make breakthrough growth with a variety of tools.
Jessica Gioglio
Jessica Gioglio is a recognized marketing innovator and international speaker. Throughout her career, Jessica has combined the power of storytelling and growth marketing to deliver award-winning programs and results for best-in-class companies such as Dunkin’ Donuts, TripAdvisor and Sprinklr.
Implement the newest marketing frameworks. Make important decisions, conquer new heights.
Be an effective leader with a sense of trends and motivation to capture new markets.
Who is it for?
Achieve better results by staying on top of the latest trends.
Marketing expert
About NEXT University
Quality education is considered to be privilege, expensive and limited. NEXT University aims to break the barrier, to transform the educational sector one student at a time. Education should be relevant, practical, accessible, convenient and affordable for different managers, entrepreneurs, technologists and marketers. First-class online learning must take place live in order to stay relevant.

We believe that quality education should not be a privilege and should be accessible to every person on the planet. Our mission: Make quality education accessible to the whole world and educate 1 billion people by 2030.

We believe that everyone in the world has the right to an excellent education, which is why the price of our courses is so affordable.
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4.5 out 5
Price change
Until [month] [day] you can buy the course at the Early Bird price with a 90% discount.
From [month2] [day2] we will increase the cost for one access to the program.

On the day of the first module, you will be able to buy ticket 10 times more expensive than the standard price.
July 2 at 12:00 (UTC +0)
+ Participation at Early Bird price with a discount 90%, if paid before [month] [day]
+ Participation in Philip Kotler's closed group (12 sessions per year) if paid before [month] [day]
+ Additional Access, if paid before [month] [day]
+ Online participation in all modules of first-class training
+ Module recordings in your personal account
[month] [day]
/ year
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The best education is provided by the best teachers. NEXT University aims to make high-quality education affordable for everyone across the globe.
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